
Gareth : 我来自英国


KLC KosmicLanguageClub

Gareth 孔睿

Program Manager of an electronics company  国际知名电子公司上海项目经理

Has been in Shanghai for 3 and half years. 在上海生活了3年半。

KLC : Hi Gareth, how are you? Thank you for accepting our interview. Could you please introduce yourself and your job?

Gareth : Hi, I come from London ; I'm a program manager so I manage multiple projects that relate to specific areas.

KLC:你好,Gareth, 非常感谢你今天可以来参与我们的访问。可以请你简单介绍一下你和你目前的工作吗?


KLC : Could you please tell us more about that? What specific areas?

Gareth : Well, Mobile phones repair mostly and anything related to that. I have to manage or help people manage. So a program manager manages multiple projects for managing people who manage individual projects.

I have an area of the business that is specifically repair and service related so it's a service program actually.



KLC : How many teammates are there in your department?

Gareth : Only 2. I work with lots of people but the way they have the business built up, you work with a lot of people and you have to convince people to work on the things that you want them to work on. So a lot of what I do is kind of convincing people and influencing people to do the things I want them to do.

There is a whole division who is dedicated to the repair side so that's all they do, they do all the core center stuff, they manage shops, they develop all the processes, procedures and tools and all that stuff. So they are kind of separated from what I do so when I want them to kind of develop a process or a tool or whatever, I have to go and convince them to do it and I have to use their resources and their people and their everything to get things done.

KLC : 在你的部门一共有多少人?

Gareth : 只有2个。当然我的工作内容却是与很多人直接相关。我需要说服他人,做你需要他们帮你完成的事情——这就是我的主要任务。与维修相关的人数太多了,而他们的角色又各不相同,有的人做核心元件,有的人管理店铺……他们代表了我们完整程序中的不同部分,而我的工作就是把他们糅合在一起,我要能够充分使用他们的资源,他们的人,他们的一切来使得我的工作顺利进行。

KLC : Okay now I'm beginning to get it. So it's sort of a communication work?

Gareth : Yes, lots of communication. 

KLC : 好,我现在更了解你的工作了。所以其实你的工作更多的一种沟通协调是吗?

Gareth : 是的,你说的不错。

KLC : How long have you been in this company?

Gareth : 15 years.

KLC : 你在这家公司有多久了?

Gareth : 15年了。

KLC : So was this company your first job?

Gareth : Yes pretty much. I had one job before but it was not a serious job. I was an assistant manager for a video rental shop. Did China ever have DVD rental shops?

KLC : 所以,这是你第一家也是目前唯一一家工作的公司吗?


KLC : Yes, but not anymore. Does it still exist in Western countries?

Gareth : No not anymore.

KLC : 有过,但是现在已经几乎没有了。在西方国家呢?DVD租赁还有市场吗?

Gareth : 哦也已经没有了。

KLC : The current Sino-US relations are a little tense. Does this have an impact on your company?

Gareth : Hum, yes they're definitely concerned because China is such an important part of the business. As well as they have a lot of customers here, there are big parts of business that are relying on the Chinese teams such as product development, manufacturing and all of that stuff. We employ loads of engineers here for figuring how to do stuff and developing projects including mostly hardware. So yes, it makes everything difficult; whether it's VISAs or even moving things back and forward like manufacturing. All that stuff is all made more complicated by the trade war. 

KLC : 目前中美关系有一些微妙。这对苹果的影响怎么样?

Gareth : 影响是毋庸置疑的。因为对于我们来说,中国市场极其重要。我们在这里有很多客户,我们的工作中有很大一部分依靠的是中国的团队,像产品的发展,制造等等。我们在这里雇佣了很多工程师来研究产品的发展,尤其是硬件方面。所以我得承认目前的局势让整个工作变得困难,无论是签证问题,还是因为制造产品而产生的进出口问题,这些都与目前的贸易冲突有关系。

KLC : Every cloud has a silver lining. Are there any positive impact coming out of the trade war ?

Gareth : Specifically in my area it also tends to have a positive impact. A lot of what I had to deal with in the past was dealing with the demand and how many repairs we can do and optimizing customer experiences and making sure there's plenty of access for the customer to be able to come when they want, to get devices repaired very quickly so they don't have to be without a device or replace it with another device.

With the increased issues, that has a knock-on effect with I guess device sales, how frequently people will buy a new device or keep an older device and repair it. So that influences how many customers are coming looking for help or how many customers need a repair and in general the increased tension has reduced the number of repairs and services.

KLC : 我们常说“祸福相依”,那么此次冲突是否也可能产生一些积极的作用呢?

Gareth : 就个人而言,这次贸易冲突对我的部门却产生了一定的“减负”影响。之前我们要处理的问题涉及到产品维修需求,以及如何管理维修或者提高客户体验,例如如何更方便地找到维修点,或是寻找代替品等。但是因为此次贸易冲突,这直接影响了销售,需要帮助的客户的量有所减少,以至于整个部门的工作强度轻松了很多。

KLC : OK this was about your job. Now let's talk about more casual topics. You just completed you Advanced Open Water! Congratulations! You mentioned that you have been on diving vacations twice. Once in the Philippines and once in Thailand. Will you do it again?

Gareth : Oh yes I like it a lot. I feel like floating in space, it's very relaxing. I might go again during the October holidays.

KLC : 好的,我们谈完了你的工作,现在我们一起来聊一下你的日常生活吧。你刚刚完成了你的进阶开放水域的潜水认证是吗?恭喜你!你提到过你一共经历了2次潜水的经历,一次在泰国,一次在菲律宾。你还会继续进行你的潜水活动吗?

Gareth : 哦当然,我非常喜欢这个。我感觉自己就好像在太空中漂浮,这个感觉非常放松。我可能在10月会再去一次。

Diving in Thiland


KLC : Where will you go this time?

Garerth : Some people say that Japan is very interesting because of wrecks and underwater mysterious cities.

KLC : 那这次你准备去什么地方呢?


KLC : Cool! Could you tell us what are your daily habits ? 

Gareth : I use a planning application and designed 20 minutes Chinese review every day.

KLC : 太酷了! 除了潜水,你日常生活中还有什么别的爱好吗?除了潜水。


KLC : Hahahaha sounds good. Besides Chinese, what else is on your to do list?

Gareth : Everyday I will do 10km bicycle, 20 minutes Yoga and practice my Guitar.

KLC : 哈哈哈哈那非常棒,除了你最爱的汉语学习,你还会用你的APP帮助你计划做什么?



KLC : Last time you mentioned you are volunteering to help blind people. Could you tell us more about this ? 

Gareth : Well, the idea is: some blind people like to do running and to exercise but obviously it can be quite dangerous for them so we learn to guide them to the right way to go and tell them what is coming, if there's something in the way or some noise that might be confusing, etc.




KLC : So that means you need to experience how they are feeling, right?

Gareth : Exactly, that's how they teach you so that you can understand the types of things that can confuse you if you were blind. They have you wear a blindfold and have someone guide you so you can feel how frightening and confusing it can be.




KLC : What is the most difficult part when you are blind ?

Gareth : Well it is surprising how simple things suddenly become very disorienting. Even if it's just a noise. You can hear further away because you're focusing so hard on what you're hearing because you can't see. It seems like you can pick things out from further away. With your eyes open, you are able to see stuff and be more accurate in judging how far away are the things you are listening to. Whereas when you have a blindfold on and you hear something it sounds sort of louder and closer than it actually is so you end up quite confused. You have to have faith that your guide can explain everything to you and that they are going to pay attention and not make you run into things.



KLC : How long practice do you need every time? How many times training will you need to be ready to become a qualified volunteer?

Gareth : For me not very far, it's about running for 10 minutes in one direction. Probably for about a kilometer. You only have to practice a bit. I think 3 times and then you have to take a written test because there are very specific ways; you were talking about the steps and there is a very specific way you are supposed to approach the steps so that the person you are leading knows where are the steps and most importantly when the steps are finished so they are not trying to take an extra step and stumble or fall so you have to be guiding them and telling them at which step they are and how far away they are from the steps.




KLC : Is there a specific body language? 

Gareth : Well you have a rope which has two loops. One loop is smaller than the other so the persons who can see has the smaller loop around their wrist so they can hold on to the rope and the persons who can't see also have their hand tied to the other loop. The difference is in the size so it's very easy if the blind person wants to let go if you fall because you if it happens to you, you don't want him to fall as well.


Going on an actual proper run with blind people





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